Ashenhurst Houses

Ashenhurst Houses


Ashenhurst Houses are purpose built for the students who are looking to embrace the freedom of living in a house but with the added security and convenience of living in a supported environment. The 280-bed complex is located on the outskirts of Huddersfield town centre. The property is particularly attractive to Internationals and Post Graduate students who have had enough of living in a large student complex. The site is close to lots of competition in the town so the local management team work hard to ensure there is a homely and “the door is always open” feel to living here with less provision of entertainment but more scope to let students get on with their work in their smaller, intimate social groups.

To boost occupancy DIGS are working with the University International office to deliver fantastic value for money offers and have started to explore the opportunity to mix Private Residential living with student. A relatively new concept for the UK.